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SAI (Split APKs Installer) Privacy Policy
SAI (Split APKs Installer) ("app") uses Firebase and Google Play Services ("Google") to collect app errors logs and gather some analytics data.

By using app, you agree with this privacy policy as well as with Google's and Firebase's privacy policies.
Please note, that SAI developer is not responsible for the actions of apps you install with SAI
What personal data is collected by developer?
Developer gets some of the data collected by Google and Firebase:

• Device Information - brand, model, OS version, device orientation, RAM usage stats, root status, unique identifiers, errors logs

• User gender, age and country

• App usage events such as viewing settings screen
What personal data is collected by Google?
Refer to Google's privacy policy
What personal data is collected by Firebase?
Refer to Firebase's privacy policy
How is personal data being used?
Developer uses data exclusively to analyze app errors and keep track of app usage stats, however Firebase and Google can use the data for any purpose stated in their privacy policies
Who is personal data shared with?
Developer doesn't share the data, however Google and Firebase can share the data with their partners as stated in their privacy policies
How is personal data protected?
Developer doesn't store the data, Firebase and Google do. The data is protected as stated in their privacy policies